SOS dentist: emergency service for children and adults

Do you have toothache? We are just a phone call away. Dienotfallzahnä helps you quickly and efficiently. In a dental emergency, time is of the essence! 

When things have to happen quickly: We also treat you without an appointment

A severely painful tooth, a torn suture from a recent dental operation or a chipped or knocked-out tooth due to an accident - these are all dental emergencies that you should not postpone but have treated immediately in a competent dental practice.

Dienotfallzahnä offer an emergency service for dental accidents and dental complaints for children and adults in Basel. 

What are dental emergencies?

Everyone knows that toothache can be unbearable and can have a significant impact on everyday life. But not all dental complaints are a case for the emergency service and have to be treated on the same day.


A recent surgical procedure at the dentist, a new filling or dentures often result in mild to moderate pain for a few days after the treatment.


Even if a filling or crown has fallen out and neither the nerve nor the root is exposed or another tooth is in danger, a visit to your dentist's office the next day during regular consultation hours is sufficient.


Dienotfallzahnä are the right people to contact when toothache is unbearable and cannot be alleviated with painkillers, or in the case of dental accidents whose treatment cannot wait any longer due to pain or bleeding.

Or more simply: we are an emergency service for dental accidents requiring urgent treatment. 

Emergency treatments include:



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ausgeschlagene oder abgebrochene Zähne nach einem Unfall (z. B. Sturz) oder nach einer Schlägerei

sudden onset of severe toothache that does not improve with the use of appropriate painkillers or home remedies

a loosened suture from a dental operation that was performed only a few days ago.

fallen-out crown, bridge or large filling whose adjacent tooth or teeth are unstable



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visible swelling in the case of an abscess, which is noticeable by a swollen cheek, often also with fever and difficulty in swallowing

broken or fallen out tooth with an exposed nerve or root 

teeth knocked out or broken off after an accident (e.g. fall) or due to other causes

TMJ problems that make opening and closing the mouth almost impossible

If you have a mild toothache or bleeding gums, you should make an appointment with your treating dentist immediately, but a visit to the emergency practice is usually not necessary.


We are also there for you in non-emergency cases! At Dienotfallzahnä you will be treated competently by our dentists with any general dental concerns. 

How do you recognise a dental emergency?

Imagine: You wake up in the middle of the night because of a severe toothache or because of a swollen cheek. Maybe you lost a filling while eating at the weekend. Or maybe you have knocked out an entire tooth by falling.


Not all dental problems cause excessive pain and not every dental accident is a dental emergency. Despite everything, you should not take complaints about your teeth lightly, but act in time and have them clarified by a dentist.


But when is treatment by an emergency dentist necessary? Not everyone feels pain in the same way and often, in the case of infections, symptoms do not appear until days later. You can recognise when it is a dental emergency and the trip to the emergency practice is urgently recommended by the following symptoms: 

Chipped or knocked out teeth 

A large crack, a broken tooth or a tooth that has been completely knocked out are dental accidents that you should have treated by a dentist immediately. Especially, if there is also severe pain or bleeding, a call to the emergency dental service is appropriate.

Not only adults but also children have to deal with problems with their teeth. Dienotfallzahnä offer emergency treatment for patients of all ages. Typical dental accidents in adults are usually fillings that have fallen out, broken teeth or infections. In children, a tooth is often loose or displaced or there is toothache (especially during growth). 

Dental accident adults / Dental accident children

Gum pain or bleeding gums

Bleeding gums after brushing or flossing are not uncommon, but can be a warning sign: Gingivitis! Regular and excessive bleeding on the gums is not a dental emergency that needs to be treated immediately. However, the symptoms may indicate periodontitis. Therefore, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to start therapy in time.

Toothache or jaw pain 

Severe and persistent tooth or jaw pain accompanied by swelling, fever and difficulty swallowing often indicate an infection. In case of severe swelling and high fever, a visit to the emergency dentist is advisable. 

Zahnunfall Erwachsene / Zahnunfall Kinder


Mit Problemen an den Zähnen haben nicht nur Erwachsene, sondern auch Kinder zu kämpfen. bieten Notfallbehandlungen bei Patienten jedes Alters an.

Typische Zahnunfälle bei Erwachsenen sind meist herausgefallene Füllungen, abgebrochene Zähne oder Infektionen.

Bei Kindern ist häufig ein Zahn locker oder verschoben oder es treten Zahnschmerzen (speziell im Wachstum) auf.


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Our tips: First aid for dental accidents 

If you have a chipped tooth, it is a good idea to rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the damaged tooth. Cooling the affected area on the face can help relieve pain and reduce swelling.


In the case of a knocked-out tooth, the following applies: Keep your finger away and store the tooth in UHT milk or saliva and immediately dial the telephone number of the emergency service. In the practice we can continue to store the tooth in a special rescue box. A cold compress on the face can help against pain and swelling. 

You are not sure if it is an emergency? 

Just call and our experienced practice staff will help you assess the situation. In case of an emergency we can treat you quickly and for non-emergencies we are happy to offer you a regular appointment. 

What should you do after a dental accident? 

Do you have a dental emergency? We provide emergency treatment! You can reach Dienotfallzahnä by calling 061 227 70 70. Alternatively, you can use the contact form to book an appointment online or visit our dental practice at our location in the SBB railway station health centre. 

In case of an emergency, please bring the following documents with you so that our dentists can provide proper emergency treatment: 

  • Health insurance card
  • Insurance documents
  • Accompanying person or driver, if necessary 


The extent to which your insurance (health or accident insurance) will cover the costs in the event of a dental emergency depends on the treatment and benefits covered by your policy. Please contact your insurance company if you have any questions.

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